Join our community

Jew-hatred exists across the United States and the world. It is one of the most pervasive and persistent forms of discrimination. Eradicating it requires concerted energetic actions at the grassroots level. Community is the most effective way to build that network

Active chapters

Click the drop-down menu to see if their is an active community in your area!

If you are interested in joining the WhatsApp for a specific community, please email Adar Rubin at

If you don’t see a chapter in your area, we encourage you to fill out the form at the bottom of the page to start one!

  • Action Items



    New Jersey

    New York

    New York area












    North Carolina


  • General Groups

    Information Sharing

    Action Items

    Region Specific

    British Columbia





  • France

    South Africa

#EndJewHatred is expanding! We currently have active chapters in various locations across the United States, Canada, and internationally. Each chapter plays a crucial role in our mission to combat Jew-hatred through grassroots actions and community engagement.

It should be stressed that #EndJewHatred is a peaceful movement that acts within the law. We condemn violence in all its forms. If there is any doubt about protest actions you are planning, we can put you in touch with legal specialists to advise on certain actions.

How Chapters Operate

The chapter should have a WhatsApp group to facilitate communication. Each chapter should set up an official Facebook and Instagram presence to publicize events. Chapter organizing should take place through social media and in person. We encourage you to monthly or bimonthly to plan actions, undergo training and support and empower each other.

Ideally a meeting should be in person where possible, but we recognize that is not always possible and encourage remote networking.

Suitable Actions for Chapters

  • Local demonstrations to protest Jew-hatred in your area

  • Handing out flyers and other materials

  • Supportive actions to empower local Jews

  • Training for activists

  • Networking with other Jewish organizations and leaders

  • Workshops with non-Jewish community and business leaders to educate about the systemic nature of Jew-hatred and how to combat it

  • Fundraising for local action or the national movement

  • Jewish study, education

  • Engaging on social media to share the goals of #EndJewHatred

Want to start a chapter in your area?

adar Rubin

Director of Mobilization